
Jan 19

How to Lose Weight Using TCM – part 4 of Losing Weight Using TCM

Now that we have covered the factors that make losing weight difficult. The strategy is to make losing weight easier by countering these factors with Traditional Chinese Medicine. However, please keep in mind, easier does not mean it is easy. Some level of commitment is still required to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, but TCM can help remove common hurdles that usually keep people from losing weight successfully.

Biological: the biggest hurdle against weight loss is when the body loses weight, it reduces mean body mass and slows metabolic rate. Many herbs can help the body maintain or gain mean body mass while maintaining a high metabolic rate. Appetite suppressing herbs can also be used to counter the increased appetite caused by the body’s tendency for homeostasis. This will make long-term weight loss feasible.

Fat-Soluble Toxin: In the first few weeks of weight loss, the release of the fat-soluble toxins is the biggest hurdle that causes people to stop their diet and lifestyle change. Proper use of herbs can greatly increase toxin elimination. It will greatly reduce physical discomforts and shorten the duration of discomfort in the initial period of weight loss, which is the biggest reason people stop their weight loss program.

Neurological/Emotional: Bad foods are addictive. Withdrawal from them will usually encounter deep resistance neurologically and emotionally. Acupuncture can be used to relieve the emotional stress and withdrawal symptoms usually experienced by people trying to lose weight. After neurological adaptation and emotional adaptation have completed, people will have no difficulty maintain their new lifestyle. In the long run, it greatly increases commitment and success rate.

Habitual/Social/Cultural: By committing to regular treatments, patients can receive regular guidance and education that will instill healthy perspective and encourage long-term behavioral change. Most people, without outside empowerment, usually fall under the influence of social, cultural and habitual forces.

Economical: Although healthy foods are expensive, medical care is even more expensive. Patients need education about the relationship between food and health. If they recognize that food is central to good health, eating healthy food is not an expense but a long-term investment in health.

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